Surya Eklavya Sainik School, Kherancha located amidst majestic Aravalli hills and surrounded with breath-taking scenic beauties near Shamlaji has come a long way to be a premier residential educational institution of the state providing free and quality education, co-curricular activities and residential facilities to selected meritorious schedule tribe students of Gujarat.The aim of Surya Eklavya Sainik School is to prepare boys academically, physically and psychologically to enter into the mainstream. At the same time, the school environment provides ample opportunities to its students to flourish in all walks of life. The collaborative endeavour of the enthusiastic management, excellent teaching staff and efficient support personnel is at the core of learning trial followed by our cadets. In this Cradle of Excellence, team of SESS firmly believes that life’s lessons cannot be taught merely in the confines of a classroom; only, its discovery can be facilitated. Fully cognizant of this fact, each of our cadets, the future leaders of the Nation, continues to be chiseled with a ‘cutting edge’ in the challenging scenario of the morrow. It is this objective that we fill the entire session with a plethora of curricular and extracurricular activities. Establishing and maintaining a positive school and classroom climate has been the focus of the school administration as it helps to encourage self-discipline. Our goal is to ensure that all the cadets become critical thinkers, active problem-solvers, inquisitive readers, diligent researchers, prolific writers and outstanding sportsmen. We strive to prepare them for the demands of the real-world so they may become productive citizens, become our future leaders and contribute and give back something positive to the Nation. The academic staff of our school ensures that the children develop skills to meet the competencies essential for success and leadership.

Our Surya Foundation members work as a Lighthouse amidst constraints of life and help us build self-belief and positivity in relentless pursuit of excellence.